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A Complete Guide to Embedded Signing

3 min read
Person signing a contract

Today, when a business seeks to enhance their document management processes and expedite workflows, the first place they should be looking is in the way they secure signatures. The use of electronic signatures, or e-signatures, has revolutionized how contracts and agreements are executed, making them faster, more secure, and environmentally friendly. Among the various types of e-signatures available, embedded signatures stand out as an innovative and seamless solution for businesses looking to optimize their signing processes. In this quick guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of embedded signatures and their potential impact on the future of document management. 


What is an embedded signature?  

An embedded signature is a type of electronic signature that is seamlessly integrated directly into the content of a document or directly in a digital experience. Unlike traditional e-signatures placed as separate fields within a document, an embedded signature becomes an inseparable part of the document or experience itself. This integration not only enhances the visual appeal of the document but also provides a more intuitive and user-friendly signing experience, making it easier for signatories to review and execute contracts without any visual disruptions. Imagine the ability to embed an eSign experience directly into your website, portal, or application.  

In fact, you’re probably already doing this as a consumer! Have you ever logged into an online health protal and ‘eSign-ed’ into a doctors appt or signed a consent form online? That’s an embedded signature! Have you ever applied for a loan, a credit card, or even opened up a bank account online? In that process, you’re most likely provided your consent in an embedded eSignature experience.  


How are embedded signatures different from other types of eSignature? 

The primary difference is the physical placement of the signature within the experience. As opposed to some eSignture experiences  where you might get an email to open up an eSignature transaction, n embedded signature is positioned directly within the  portal, application, or website that you are interacting with. This means that the signature becomes an integral part of the customer experience. 


The legality of embedded signatures 

Embedded signatures are no different than any other eSignature option, and are typically legally binding and comply with various electronic signature regulations, such as the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act in the United States and the eIDAS Regulation in the European Union. As with any e-signature, the legality of embedded signatures can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific requirements of the document. In many regions, including the United States, the European Union, and several others, embedded signatures are legally recognized and considered as valid as traditional wet ink signatures. To ensure compliance and enforceability, it is essential to choose a reputable e-signature provider that adheres to industry-standard security measures and offers a comprehensive audit trail for each embedded signature. Review the Conga Sign Legality Guide to find out the eSignature requirements for your country. 


Benefits of embedded signatures  

  • Improved customer experience. Embedded signatures create a more natural and familiar signing process for users, as they interact directly with application or website they are experiencing. This smooth user experience can lead to increased adoption rates and improved customer satisfaction. 
  • Reduced risk. They also reduce the risk of tampering or unauthorized changes, as the signature is tightly integrated into the experience. They aren’t being taken to a different page or a different website. This increases trust and lowers the risk of extra ‘clicks’ that could lead to spam or phishing attacks. Advanced security features like encryption and multi-factor authentication can also add an extra layer of protection.  
  • Streamlined processes. By eliminating the need for separate signature pages or emails, embedded signatures streamline the signing process, saving time and improving efficiency in document management. 
  • Branded experience. Embedded signatures can also be customized to align with your specific branding and design elements, maintaining a professional and cohesive appearance in all official documents. 


Implementing embedded signatures into your current experience 

To leverage the benefits of embedded signatures effectively, integrate them into your existing websites, portals, apps, and more with Conga Sign. By doing so, you’ll  further streamline your necessary workflows and processes and you will expedite approvals, and optimize efficiencies. With automated routing, version control, and seamless customer reviews, you’ll ensure a secure, compliant, and efficient end-to-end eSignature experience for you and your clients or customers. 


Getting started with Conga Sign 

Embedded signatures represent a significant advancement in the world of e-signatures, providing businesses with a more intuitive, secure, and streamlined approach to document execution. As the legal recognition of e-signatures continues to grow globally, adopting embedded signatures within a robust business ecosystem can empower you to achieve greater success, boost productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction.  

Simplify the process of doing business by offering your customers an easy, secure way to sign documents and execute your transactions. Conga Sign helps you get the signatures you need for critical agreements quickly and securely, allowing you to close the deal in a fraction of the time.  Learn why electronic signatures are improving business outcomes and winning over customers. Request a free demo to see how you can install and send your first document for signature with Conga Sign in minutes. 

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