accesso® Technology Group optimizes price quotes with Conga Composer
The technology company frees up sales directors’ time for more customer engagement

accesso technology redefines the guest experience for visitors around the globe with solutions for virtual queuing, ticketing, point-of-sale, distribution, and experience management. Serving over 1,000 venues across 29 countries, the company’s patented and award-winning solutions drive increased revenue for attraction operators, improve the guest experience, and help clients streamline operations while harnessing the power of data to guide business decisions.
Professional and consistent branding across documents
Standardized and automated quote proposal generation
Eliminated manual tasks and associated delays through automation
Improved integrations across systems that support sales proposal development
Cut quote proposal revision turnaround time by one week
Minimized sales directors’ workloads so they can enhance their focus on customer engagement
Increased operational transparency with visible tracking of proposal statuses
Our previous quote proposal process was fragmented...We needed a solution that would streamline our process and make it easier for our sales team to dynamically deliver custom quotes that are on-brand and on-target.
accesso had implemented Conga Composer alongside Salesforce in 2012 so front-line sales directors could track deals from prospecting to close using the customer relationship management (CRM) system and easily generate documents. But it wasn’t until Roth and accesso Salesforce Administrator Audrey Child attended Conga Connect that they realized how much untapped potential Conga could offer the team. “We saw endless possibilities for how we could improve our process,” recalls Child.
accesso needed a way to generate high-quality RFP responses quickly—with standardization that would conserve accuracy and brand consistency across clients, yet still allow specialization for their diverse client base.
Conga Composer has cut quote change turnarounds by about one week...Redoing documents was a huge task for sales directors, and revisions were unnecessarily time-consuming. Now, they can quickly change entries in Salesforce and generate a new price quote with one click.
This focus on standardization and automation in their proposal processes gives accesso sales directors more time to build and maintain client relationships. And because Conga Composer is now more tightly integrated with Salesforce, accesso leadership saves time, too. Activity logging in Salesforce helps sales directors, their managers, and executive stakeholders track proposal progress and assure version control.
“Our sales team wants to focus on things like defining customer needs and demonstrating how Accesso solutions deliver value,” explained Roth. “Creating a price quote is simply a means to those ends. Conga Composer frees our sales directors to spend more time engaging prospects and less time fussing with documents.”
accesso streamlined quote proposal development with Conga Composer features including Rowburner, which automatically corrects content based on business rules, such as removing invalid pricing options. The company also strengthened Conga Composer integrations with Salesforce, Microsoft, Adobe, and RFPIO. With the help of Conga Professional Services, accesso developed specialized workflows—such as automating multi-solution proposals in editable templates with relevant supporting content for unique markets.
Following its successes building proposals with Conga Composer, accesso expanded their Conga portfolio by adding Conga Contracts for Salesforce. This new offering will optimize their contract automation with additional features such as redlining and clause library and will enable the accesso sales teams to build and manage contracts using Salesforce data as a single source of truth.
Conga’s customer focused knowledge resources have also played a key role in accesso’s success with their Conga products. Early on, the team engaged in several of the on-demand courses and resources available in the Conga Learning Center. This broad offering of resources helped them understand Conga Composer’s key features and best practices. Additionally, after a trip to Conga Connect – Conga’s annual user conference – the team was inspired to further enhance their Conga Composer set-up and met with Conga’s Professional Services team. They learned how the team’s offerings and deep expertise could advance accesso’s continual optimization of its solutions. accesso then worked with the Conga Professional Services team to expediate new builds for specialized workflows and automation that fit their unique needs. “Conga does knowledge transfer right,” Child said. “The services team was so willing to train us on new capabilities that it was clear Conga cares and wants to see customers evolve.”