Coworkers discussing benefits of Conga CLM
Manage Contracts

Dynamic add-ons for Conga CLM

Tools for more effective contract management.

Strengthen your contract management toolkit

Contract management with Conga just got even easier. Edit contracts online without leaving Word using X-Author for Word. Review contracts in Conga CLM using Online Contract Collaboration. Even quickly import third-party paper into your contract repository with Intelligent Discovery. 

Conga X-Author for Word

Work in your favorite app

No need to leave Microsoft Word to manage and streamline the entire contract process with X-Author for Word. Create contract templates, manage the clause library, compare and merge multiple versions–all without leaving Word.

Man typing on laptop while using Conga CLM
Conga CLM Add-ons notification
Women discussing benefits of Conga CLM while working on laptop
Conga Online Contract Collaboration

Collaborate on contracts

Enjoy the ability to review and redline agreement documents, differentiate edits by each party, identify modified and new data, and more. Even better, do so from within Conga CLM without the need for any dedicated software.

Conga Intelligent Discovery

Import third-party contracts

Ensure every contract is imported accurately, including all the essential contract details, with Conga Intelligent Discovery. Quickly and accurately import contracts into your Conga CLM repository, regardless of the format.

Woman typing on laptop
Man using Conga CLM on tablet
Conga Max and Conga Approvals

CLM has never been easier

When all of your CLM processes—including tools and add-ons—live on one system, contract management is a breeze, not a headache. Combining Conga Max and Conga Approvals with powerful CLM add-ons means extra time for more hands-on work.

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    Sometimes, you just need to see solutions in action. We have a demo for those occasions and we’d like to show it to you.