Technical Support Case Handling Guidelines
General Technical Support Guidelines
Cases are a way to engage our Technical Support Engineers to provide support and assistance in addressing issues. Once you as Customer Contact have identified an issue with Conga Product, please open one case per issue. (Note: We have no limit on the number of cases that can be created.)
Open cases are defined as actively being worked on by Technical Support with all required information or working to gain the relevant details.
Once a resolution has been provided, it should be confirmed, and the case is closed.
Closed cases will not be reopened.
If the same issue or a similar issue occurs, a new case will need to be created. (Note: If the closed case has valuable information, you would like the engineer to be aware of, please reference the closed case in the description summary.)
Cases are used by Technical Support to track and document case information. If you’re currently using Technical Support cases to track progress internally, these cases should be closed as there is no action required by Conga Technical Support. You can continue to view all closed cases via the Conga Community case portal if needed.
Reproducible Scenarios
It is important that the Customer Contact gathers the required details to reproduce the issue so that our Technical Support Engineers can successfully triage and resolve it. If the issue is happening sporadically or only for certain users, it is important that the issue is identified and isolated to a reproducible scenario.
If the issue is reported on Production environment, Conga Technical Support recommends providing the same reproducible scenario in one of the lower orgs (sandboxes) for effective troubleshooting.
When the issue is intermittent or not replicable on demand or it is one time issue, Conga will put best efforts into collaborating with customers to reproduce the issue.
After putting all possible joint efforts, still we are unbale to replicate the issue, it will be handled further based on issue impact and other possible options available on case-to-case basis.
Waiting on Customer Case Status
Providing the necessary information and access at the time of case submission contributes to quicker triage and root cause analysis for faster resolution. If there are additional details or access needed, the engineer will request that information via the case. Please provide the required information.
Based on the support plan and severity, the engineer/system will follow up and send three reminders to receive the needed information. If the required information is not received by the 3rd follow-up, Technical Support will close the case.
Customer Hold Case Status
There may be times after a resolution has been provided that additional time is needed before deciding and confirming case closure.
If a resolution has been provided but you need additional time before implementing because of schedule, priorities, or stakeholders, you can place a case on hold for up to 10 business days. After that the system will automatically close the case.
Another Case Dependency Status
At times, a case (fix/resolution) may not be able to be successfully tested until the resolution of another case. In these instances, we will keep the case open until the dependent case is resolved. Once resolved, both case statuses will be processed for closure.
Product Bugs
If a product bug is identified as the root cause of your issue, we will engage our Product Engineering team that will validate, fix and build into a future release.
The Technical Support Engineer will continue to follow up on your case until Product has identified the fix and scheduled the expected release date.
Confirm Resolution Status
Technical Support prefers that all customers confirm and validate the resolution provided meets their expectation by closing the case via the case portal.
If a customer has not confirmed case closure, the Technical Support Engineer will provide three reminders based on case severity prior to closing the case (no less than 10 business days).
Severity 1 Issue Handling
As soon as we receive a severity 1 case, Conga Technical Support Engineer will create a Teams bridge with customer contact to assist.
It is expected from customer to be available when a severity 1 case is raised. If a customer does not join the call and provide required information to troubleshoot, then case severity will be accordingly lowered by informing the customer on case with reason and wait for customer’s next response for further actions.
Once the severity 1 case is resolved, Conga Technical Support will place the same on status – ‘Confirm Resolution’ & wait for the concerned Team (Conga Engineering / CloudOps / Product / SecurityOps) to provide an RCA. Once the RCA is shared with the customer, the case will be processed for closure.